The Bible is one grand narrative; it tells ONE story. The story of redemption spans from Genesis to Revelation, featuring our great God and His plan for His creation. The Old Testament points forward to the New Testament, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. As we begin to see the connections, Scripture takes on a whole new meaning. There are treasures to be discovered.
Over the next 8 weeks, we will be exploring the story of the Bible from cover to cover. As we move through the Bible chronologically, we will stop at places along the way that speak to God’s plan throughout the history of redemption. In this unfolding drama, we will meet people that God used for His purposes, places that were sacred, and events that shaped the narrative. Nothing is by accident. Every bit of Scripture is God-breathed, purposefully pointing us to the Master Storyteller and Redeemer of our souls.
21. Comfort
Isaiah prophesied of a day when God would again comfort His people. After they had endured the consequences of their sin, God would restore them to Himself. God’s glory would appear as the Messiah to redeem those who call on His name. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul calls God the God of all comfort. He comforts us in our afflictions so we will be able to comfort others with the comfort we receive from God. Our comfort and our help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.
22. Rebuilding the Temple
Once the 70 years of captivity were over, as prophesied by Jeremiah, King Cyrus issued a decree to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. The work began with enthusiasm, but because of continual opposition, their zeal waned and the temple remained unfinished. God used Haggai to call the people back to the good work of rebuilding the temple and to reorient their priorities around His purposes. Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? So glorify God with your body.
23. Rebuilding the Walls
Years after the temple was rebuilt, God laid a burden on Nehemiah’s heart to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls around the city. He had a heart for the city and we too are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Despite opposition, the walls were completely reconstructed in 52 days. They laid the stones with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. We, as believers, are living stones, being build up into a spiritual house for the presence of God to dwell. We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
24. The Birth of Christ
God broke the 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments with a baby’s cry, and this is the culmination of the story of redemption! As we shift our focus to the New Testament and the life and ministry of Jesus, we realize that all of the Old Testament was pointing forward to this Messiah. God chose Mary, a young virgin with a heart after His, to be the mother of the Christ-Child. His birth fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy: For a Child will be born to us; a Son will be given to us ... and His name is Jesus. Cue the angelic hosts.
25. The Ministry of Jesus
Very little is said in Scripture about Jesus' childhood years, but details fill the page as He began His ministry. After being baptized by John, He was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. Having overcome temptation, He returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. In the synagogue in Nazareth He read from the scroll of Isaiah, saying the Lord had anointed Him to preach the good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives and sight to the blind. He was the One they had been waiting for - the fulfillment of Scripture.
This 40-day Bible reading plan spans the metanarrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, making stops along the way that speak to God's plan throughout the history of redemption.
Each day includes three passages of Scripture totalling 4-5 chapters of daily reading, a bit from the Old Testament, a bit from the New Testament and a psalm. Challenge yourself to look for connections as you read. Remember, the Bible is ONE story!