The Bible is one grand narrative; it tells ONE story. The story of redemption spans from Genesis to Revelation, featuring our great God and His plan for His creation. The Old Testament points forward to the New Testament, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. As we begin to see the connections, Scripture takes on a whole new meaning. There are treasures to be discovered.
Over the next 8 weeks, we will be exploring the story of the Bible from cover to cover. As we move through the Bible chronologically, we will stop at places along the way that speak to God’s plan throughout the history of redemption. In this unfolding drama, we will meet people that God used for His purposes, places that were sacred, and events that shaped the narrative. Nothing is by accident. Every bit of Scripture is God-breathed, purposefully pointing us to the Master Storyteller and Redeemer of our souls.
16. Elijah on Mount Carmel
Elijah was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He announced there would be no rain for three years. God provided for Elijah during the famine. He then told him to go and speak to King Ahab, who accused him of causing the famine. This led to the famous showdown on Mount Carmel between 450 prophets of Baal and one prophet of God - Elijah. God demonstrated that He alone was God, and then, in response to Elijah's prayers, He sent rain. The book of James highlights Elijah as a great man of prayer.
17. Warning Against Rebellion
Isaiah the prophet was called to speak to the rebellious, obstinate nation of Judah. He accused God’s people of sin and rebellion against the One who had redeemed them, and he warned them of coming judgment. They were honoring God with their words, but their hearts were far from Him. Jesus accused the Pharisees of the same thing. They had ignored the words of God to elevate their traditions, proving that their hearts had gone astray. They were worshiping Him in vain.
18. New Covenant
God’s people broke His covenant time and time again. But God said there would come a day when He would make a new covenant with the house of Israel. He promised to write His law on their hearts and exchange their hearts of stone for hearts of flesh. All this would be accomplished through His indwelling Spirit. The writer of Hebrews speaks of this new and better covenant. We are the people of the New Covenant that has been established on better promises. The Old Covenant is now obsolete and we live in grace.
19. Even If
Habakkuk complained that God seemed to be doing nothing about the rampant sin and violence in his day. But God said He was going to do something that Habakkuk would not believe even if he saw it. God would bring a powerful nation against His people as a consequence for their sin. Habakkuk trembled at the thought but determined to praise God regardless of what happened in the future. Paul tells us repeatedly to rejoice in the Lord always, regardless of the circumstances.
20. Exiled
Despite repeated warnings over many years, God’s people persisted in their idolatry. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians in 722BC and the Southern Kingdom of Judah was exiled by the Babylonians in 597BC. Daniel was one of the young men taken by the Babylonians in the first wave of the captivity in 605BC. God’s people had been expelled from the land, just as He promised. God’s desire for them was to live in the freedom of obedience, but they chose the bondage of rebellion.
This 40-day Bible reading plan spans the metanarrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, making stops along the way that speak to God's plan throughout the history of redemption.
Each day includes three passages of Scripture totalling 4-5 chapters of daily reading, a bit from the Old Testament, a bit from the New Testament and a psalm. Challenge yourself to look for connections as you read. Remember, the Bible is ONE story!