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Encouragement to engage with God’s Word.
Inspiration to know God better.
Challenges to dig deeper into Scripture.
Stories about how God is working in the lives of people.

2 min read
The Danger of an Over-realized Expectation of Reading the Bible
We expect too much from our Bible reading. I realize that's a provocative statement, but before you click away, hear me out. Not long...

10 min read
The Story of the Bible in 21 Chapters
Let's admit it ... the Bible can be confusing. It was written during a much different time to a much different audience. Sometimes it's...

5 min read
10 Ways to Adapt Instead of Quit Your Bible Reading This Summer
It's finally summer in my neck of the woods! Summer is filled with baseball games and country fairs, day trips to the beach and hours of...

4 min read
4 Tips for How to Study the Psalms
This summer I'm spending my time in the Psalms. I'm calling it Summer in the Psalms! (Details below about how to join me). The book of...

10 min read
How Scripture Speaks to 5 Common Sins
We all sin. Since Adam and Eve, every person has been born with a sin nature. We sin because we are sinners, and we live in a fallen...

12 min read
How Scripture Speaks to 5 Common Struggles
We all experience struggles in this life. Whether they come to us simply because we live in a broken world, or they are the results of...

2 min read
3 Tips for When Bible Reading Has Become Dry
Daily Bible reading is a foundational spiritual discipline in the life of a believer. Some days the words jump off the page and are like...

2 min read
10 Bible Verses about Celebration
Celebration is essential to kingdom-living. God invites His people to celebrate because He is a God of celebration. Biblical celebration...

3 min read
How to Transform Your Personal Bible Study Time With an Easy Perspective Shift
I tossed my Bible aside in frustration. What on earth did Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Abijam, Asa, Nadab, and a series of other kings whose names...

3 min read
5 Tips for Keeping a Quiet Time Routine While on Vacation
Vacations are wonderful interruptions to the regular rhythms of life. But they also can be unhealthy interruptions to a consistent quiet...

3 min read
I Failed in my Bible Reading Plan. Now What?
A few years ago, I set out to read the Bible in a year, and it was when the calendar flipped from January to February that I began...

7 min read
23 Tips for Getting into God's Word in 2023
*To listen to the podcast, click here. New Year’s is a time when we typically attack our goals with fresh resolve, including our Bible...

2 min read
Bible Note Taking Made Easy
Charles Spurgeon said, “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” When I first heard this quote, I nodded...

4 min read
Find the Perfect Bible
I'm a collector of Bibles. (There could be worse things to collect, right?!) I'm always in search of the perfect Bible, and there are so...

3 min read
6 Reasons to Pursue Biblical Literacy
Pop Quiz! Are you ready? Who was the first king of Israel? How many brothers did Joseph have? What nation took Judah into captivity and...

3 min read
Tips for Establishing a Daily Habit of Getting into God’s Word
When I was a young mom, there was a group of older ladies who moved their Bible study to my house so I could join in while my babies were...

1 min read
7 Benefits of a Daily Scripture Writing Plan
I have a stack of notebooks from the dollar store beside my Bible. Although these are not journals, they are filled with pages and pages...

8 min read
15 Bible Study Methods for Understanding God’s Story
When my daughter was little, she begged for bedtime stories—not the ones in the storybooks lining her shelves, but the ones that lived in...

2 min read
How to Cultivate a Passion for God’s Word
I often hear these words from women: “I want to study the Bible, but I don’t know where to start, and I find it confusing.” I hear you....
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