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10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Bible Study Girl in Your Life

Do you have a gal in your life who loves to study the Bible? This list of 10 Christmas gift ideas will make your Christmas shopping super easy this year!

This Bible is the perfect gift for the gal who loves taking notes in her Bible. The ESV Interleaved Journaling Bible features a blank page for note-taking across from every page of biblical text.

"Patterned after the Bible that Jonathan Edwards, the 18th-century preacher and theologian, used to record more than 5,000 notes about God's Word, the ESV Journaling Bible, Interleaved Edition features a full, blank page next to every page of Bible text. Created for Bible readers looking for as much space as possible for sermon notes, personal reflections, prayers, or artwork, this edition features cream-colored paper and a durable binding to ensure that it lasts a lifetime."

I received these scripture journals last year for Christmas and they were my favourite gift. This set of Scripture journals features one book of the Bible per journal. They have the biblical text on one side of the page and a blank page opposite for journaling. They come in colour or black and gold. They are available in ESV and CSB. The books are also available for purchase individually. These are perfect for the person who wants to journal extensively but doesn't want to carry around a bulky Bible.

"ESV Scripture Journals pair the text of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of biblical text. This allows readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. This edition features the entire New Testament set, and is great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series."

The Dwell Bible App is one of the best audio Bible tools. With 10 different voices to choose from, you can experience the Bible through stories, key passages, themed playlists, or listening plans. Give the gift of Dwell this Christmas!

A tapestry is made up of hundreds of threads carefully woven together. Each coloured thread is knitted by the hands of an intentional creator who forms the thread to complete one beautiful tapestry. The Word of God can be compared to a tapestry. Through God’s intentional and creative hand, God has woven threads of certain themes that start at the beginning of Scripture and find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s Second Coming.

The Bible Themes Handbook is designed to help you trace these threads throughout Scripture and grow in your knowledge of biblical theology. Each entry in The Bible Themes Handbook covers the aspects of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.

"Kingdom of God" is a phrase often tossed around like a game of hot potato. No one quite knows what to do with it or how to define it, so we pass it on quickly to the next person. We hear and say phrases like "Jesus is King" or "love for the kingdom" but don't quite know what that means or how this really applies to daily life--the moments we wash the dishes, watch the news, or wait in the carpool line. Christ came as a baby born of a virgin, but at the same time, he came as a triumphant King--in a way unlike what his people expected.

The concept of the kingdom of God unfolds throughout all of Scripture, beginning in Genesis 1 and ending in Revelation 22. Like an unbreakable chain, this framework helps us understand who God is, who we are, and what his eternal purposes are as revealed to us in both the Old and New Testaments. As you follow this journey through scripture, we pray that you'll gain a greater understanding of our King and the kingdom of God.

The gospel doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality.

In this 9-session study on the book of Romans, Courtney Doctor will walk you through Paul’s powerful letter to see the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel. You’ll be overwhelmed with the good news of God’s merciful rescue as you better understand the depth of your need. This life-changing message provides not only hope for eternity, but purpose, joy, and peace for today. And as the good news of the gospel of grace unfolds through Romans, it will compel you to proclaim God’s glorious salvation to all.

Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, “What did I just read?” Or maybe you've tried to read through the Bible in a year, but quit when it felt confusing or impersonal? Are you one of the many who has read through the book of Genesis approximately 20 times, but hasn't read anything beyond that?

The Bible Recap is here to help!

The Bible Recap book is a written version of the short daily podcast (~8 minutes) hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble. She highlights and summarizes that day’s Bible reading in a casual, easy to understand way. The Bible Recap will not only help you read scripture but help you love reading it!

Several years ago, God showed me that although I’ve believed IN Him for years, I did not BELIEVE Him. I had faith in the God of the universe but failed to believe that He moves and works in my life every day. I trusted in the Lord with all my heart, but then I would make my own plans and asked Him to bless them. I acknowledged Him in all my ways, but then I would make decisions without His counsel.

You see, I didn’t really believe God.

This crisis coincided with the year I turned forty, which is a crisis all on its own, so I decided to embark on a journey of forty days of faith. I collected forty verses about faith, and I meditated on them each day, praying that God would increase my trust in Him. It was during that time that I wrote the Relentless Faith Bible study.

Those forty days have come and gone, and although God did amazing transformative work in me—afterward, I realized that I was still on a journey toward unhindered, relentless faith. Truth be told, this journey won’t end until my faith becomes sight, and I see Jesus face-to-face. But I'm growing in faith each day.

Do you too want to be a woman with relentless faith? Check out my Bible study on faith!

I have a stack of notebooks from the dollar store beside my Bible. Although these are not journals, they are filled with pages and pages of my handwriting. Over the years, I’ve developed a habit of Scripture writing—simply copying the text word for word in an ordinary spiral-bound notebook. This practice is absolutely life-giving! I started with the letter of Ephesians a few years ago and have continued handwriting many other books, with the ultimate goal of handwriting the entire Bible.

Handwriting Scripture is not a new practice. In fact, the ancient Israelite kings were required to write a copy of the Law on a scroll so it would be imprinted on their hearts and so they would learn to fear the Lord all the days of their lives. The same is true for us today. The practice of handwriting the Word of God serves to imprint it on our hearts, leading us to awe and worship.

Study the entire book of Luke using the Study with S.T.O.R.Y. Bible study method.

Combining timeless methods of Bible study, Study with S.T.O.R.Y. is a fresh way of studying Scripture. Using the acronym S.T.O.R.Y., this approach to digging into God’s Word will guide you through 5 steps for studying the Bible, one chapter at a time: Simply read, Thoroughly mark, Openly explore, Re-write text, Your story.

I hope you've been able to find a gift or two that would be perfect for the Bible study girl in your life!


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