Charles Spurgeon said, “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” When I first heard this quote, I nodded emphatically and vowed to be the owner of this kind of Bible.
I’ve always admired grey-haired ladies carrying dog-eared Bibles with sticky notes projecting in every direction. I’m drawn to perfectly curated Instagram images of Bible pages filled with highlights, notes, and doodles. I often ask to look at a friend’s Bible when I see she’s been particularly creative in it. Yes, Bible note-taking has always fascinated me.
Now to be perfectly clear, highlighting your favourite verses in your Bible or taking notes as you read does not make you a better Christian. There are no heavenly gold stars for those who have mastered the best way to take Bible notes or have the most beautifully designed Bible journaling pages. But I do believe the God of the universe wants us to interact with Him, and one of the ways we can do this is to actively engage with the living Word on the page.
After all, it is a conversation; He speaks to us through His Word, and we respond through the verses and prayers and insights we record in the margins. So, yes, I believe God is pleased with a Bible that’s falling apart.
In addition to cultivating an intimate conversational relationship with God, studies have proven that writing things down in your own handwriting increases retention. As we study and write our responses, you are more likely to remember what the Spirit is teaching you through the text.
Bible note-taking also serves as a record of your spiritual journey, leaving a tangible legacy of faith for the next generation. What a blessing for your children and grandchildren to be encouraged by your faith from your own handwriting!
As you consider Bible study note taking, you will want to create a system that works for you. Are you artistic? You may want to record your insights visually through design and color. Are you a list-maker? You might consider bullet point notes in the margin of your Bible. Do you prefer lots of colour and movement or is your style more simplistic? All of these factors will come into play as you develop your own unique way to take notes in your Bible.
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