Have you ever felt disoriented?
I'm not talking about coming out of the mall and forgetting where you parked your car (please tell me I'm not the only one!?), and I'm not talking about a serious medical condition that requires medication. The disorientation I'm referring to comes with change.
As many you you know, this year I resigned from my 9-5 at a local Christian school and began pursuing my calling of writing Bible studies and teaching the Bible. This is something I have been dreaming about for years. Yes, it was a big change, but it was a good change.
So the feeling of not quite being able to get my bearings in this new life of mine was surprising.
When the day after Labour Day arrived and everyone was going back to school, I felt a little lost. What were my days supposed to look like now? How should new rhythms influence all this flexibility and freedom?
At first I couldn't identify the feeling, but as the week went on, whenever anyone asked me about how I was feeling in my new season, I responded with one word: DISORIENTED. It seemed to sum up my feelings perfectly.
A big life change often brings feelings of disorientation. When the schedules we once relied on to keep us efficient and effective are removed, we may find ourselves floundering a little. It's quite normal. But we don't have to stay in a state of disorientation. Here are some helpful hints for finding direction and clarity:
PRAY. God is not a God of chaos or confusion. He has a path clearly marked out for us as we follow the Spirit's leading. So when you are in the disorienting fog, confess it to God, and ask Him to guide you through it and give you a clear view of the road ahead.
IMMERSE YOURSELF IN SCRIPTURE. God speaks most clearly through His Word. In a season of transition, spend extra time in the Word of God. The Bible is alive and active and able to train and equip you for the next thing God has for you.
ESTABLISH ROUTINE. Even if you don't yet know how to structure your days in this change, establish some life-giving routines. Open God's Word daily. Eat healthy food. Move your body. Get enough sleep. Do whatever you need to do to feel refreshed and ready to embrace your day.
GIVE YOURSELF SOME GRACE. We quickly extend grace to others, but are often much harder on ourselves. Change - even good change - takes time to process. As you give yourself grace to adjust, you'll move through the transition in a healthier manner.
It took several weeks, but I eventually began to feel comfortable in my new life. I gave myself time to orient myself to the change, I sensed God's favour as I dove into the work He called me to, and I began to enjoy the flexibility and freedom of my new rhythms.
Friend, feeling disoriented will not last forever. You'll find True North and once again feel comfortable in your surroundings.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.